
The 3rd Machine Learning in Glaciology Workshop will be held from 6 - 12 September 2024 at the Finse Alpine Research Center between Oslo and Bergen in Norway. The station is located near the Hardangerjøkulen Ice Cap with its outlet gaciers in sight. The workshop is designed to connect researchers at all career stages who are interested in the intersection of glaciology and machine learning. It is targeted towards scientists who already have basic to medium programming and machine learning skills and want to increase their skills in machine learning related to glaciology. This workshop is primarily project based. You can learn more about the projects on the projects page. All the lecture materials are gathered in a Jupyter Book, which is being updated iteratively with participant’s feedback. Participants may also design their own project based on own ideas and data in collaboration with the instructors.


If you wish to participate in the workshop, please apply HERE by 12 April 2024, 11:59pm (in whatever time zone you are in). The number of participants is limited to 25 and applicants will be informed about admission via email by early May. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at mlglaciology.workshop@gmail.com.


The workshop will include:

  • Lectures on machine learning applied to glacier modelling and glacier mapping from satellite data, JupyterHub + Git and related topics (ca. 1 day)
  • Hands-on project work: Participants will work on of two pre-defined projects “Modelling glacier mass balance with machine learning“, or “Glacier mapping from satellite data using Deep Learning and Random Forests”. They may also design their own project based on own ideas and data in collaboration with the instructors and other participants in a “hackathon-type” fashion.
  • 2-hour mini-conference where all participants present the results from their projects.
  • Free afternoon for outdoor activities (hiking, running).
    A preliminary schedule can be found at the schedule page

Workshop Organization

Workshop organizers and instructors:

Jordi Bolibar (Université Grenoble Alpes)
Regine Hock (University of Oslo & University of Alaska Fairbanks)
Konstantin Maslov (University of Twente)
Facundo Sapienza (UC Berkeley)
Thomas Schellenberger (University of Oslo)
Kamilla Hauknes Sjursen (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences)

Contact: mlglaciology.workshop@gmail.com

More details about the instructors can be found here.

The workshop is supported by the following institutions:

The course is sponsored by a TU Delft Climate Action grant, the Research Council of Norway project MASSIVE and IACS.

Group photo taken behind the Finse Research Station during the second workshop in April 2023.

Group photo taken on Middalsbreen, Hardangerjokulen during the first workshop in September 2022.